Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Always wear your seatbealt!

1. You need to always where your seatbealt becouse most car craches happen 1 mile from your home.
2. If you are under 4'09in you need to have a booster seat.
3. Dont text when you are driving it is not safe and rember just if your friends are not doing this stuf dose not mean you dont have to... stay safe.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Globes vs Maps


Pros   Mour portibali then a globe. It shows mour citys and towns on the map then the globe. You can zoom in on a map but you cant do that on a globe. It is easy to carry then a globe.


There shapes are distored. It dose not show water all the time on a map. A map is in 2-d not 3-d. Some times a map can be to big or to small. 

Pros: The globe is in 3-d. The globe can spin or rotate. You can see the contints or oceans placed on the
earth accurateley on the globe. The globe is mour simple it is not so overwellming like the map is. It is a grate tool for siance.


It is biger then a map. It is mour awkuard then a map. It is harder to take places then it wood be with a map. You cant zoom in on the globe. It has a smaller scale. You can only see contints and oceans not citys and towns.